There are a number of ways you can help us but becoming a member is a good place to start. So please join us as a member. Friends of St Myllin’s Church is a secular organisation and membership is open to anyone.  We are a charity and our objectives are to maintain, repair, restore and enhance the church building and the churchyard around it.

Any money you give or help to raise will be used solely to maintain St Myllin’s Church and Churchyard so that it can continue to contribute to the character and life of the town of Llanfyllin and its surrounding area

Friends of St Myllin’s Church was formed in early 2018 and fundraising has only just begun. So it is still too early to decide the projects we will be funding.

To enquire about becoming a member please complete the form at the foot of this page and we will send you a form. The annual subscription is whatever you feel you would like to donate.

If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid and increase the value of your subscription or donation at no additional cost to you so please consider this when you complete the membership form.

Membership / Standing order forms can be downloaded here – Membership form (Download MS Word version) Membership form  (Download PDF version).

These forms can also be used to make ‘one-off’ donations via online banking.  

Alternatively, you can contact us via the form below and we will contact you.

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